2nd Search for IFORS ELAVIO Scholar


XIV Latin American Summer School on Operations Research


El Fuerte, Mexico, August 9-14, 2009


Call for Candidates

The Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO) is pleased to announce its sponsorship of two young OR researchers from EURO countries willing to participate and to present a short communication to the XIV ELAVIO (see the attached announcement) organized by ALIO, the Latin-Ibero-American Operations Research Association, with the support of the International Federation of OR Societies (IFORS). EURO will cover the travel expenses of the two EURO participants and IFORS will cover the local costs. To apply, candidates 25-35 years old with a good knowledge of English should contact their National OR Society and send through email their application including (1) a complete CV, and (2) a paper proposal (complete text or a 3-5 pages extended abstract).

Each National OR Society will select one candidate and will send his/her candidature to the EURO/IFORS Vice-President who is responsible for the final selection through email (speranza@eco.unibs.it ) and before March 30, 2009.

The EURO/IFORS Vice-President will evaluate and rank the candidates on the basis of two criteria, each counting for 50%:

– CV (Diplomas, Publications, Conference presentations, Awards, etc.)
– Paper proposal (originality, quality of results, closeness to OR, real word applications, etc.).

The candidates ranked first and second in the ranking will be selected to participate to the Summer School. Announcement of the selected candidates will be given before April 24, 2009.

Prof. M. Grazia Speranza
EURO/IFORS Vice-President
University of Brescia
Email: speranza@eco.unibs.it