IFORS Tutorial Lecturers
The IFORS Tutorial Lecture is intended to encourage new research in emerging areas of Operations Research or to highlight new teaching technologies and approaches.The tutorials, given by outstanding scholars, will present the fundamentals of emerging OR technologies, application areas or teaching approaches to a large diverse audience. The tutorials are geared toward non‐specialists with the goal of inspiring and raising interest in pursuing these new ideas.
Regardless of the type of lecture (e.g. new teaching pedagogies, new OR-related technologies or application areas), the speaker should be chosen not only based on his or her knowledge of the sub‐field, but also based on the person’s presentation abilities.
IFORS will support a Tutorial Lecture at each regular meeting of its regional groups, or for a group that does not hold a regular meeting. The IFORS President in consultation with the IFORS Administrative Committee and the Program Chair of the meeting at which the lecture will be delivered will appoint the IFORS Tutorial Lecturer. A standing ITL Selection Committee will recommend one or more candidates for each Lectureship to the President in advance. In the interest of making the ITL event international in nature, it is preferred that the Lecturer come from a region of the world different from the meeting location. Normally the Lecturer will be appointed about one year before the meeting. The Lecture must be in a plenary session at the meeting, or in the case of a very large meeting, a semi-plenary. It is customary for the Lecturer to be introduced by an IFORS Administrative Committee member or selection committee member (President if possible) who will say a few words about IFORS in addition to introducing the speaker.