IFORS Global Webinar Series

IFORS has launched a Global Webinar Series in 2020!

Several times each year, IFORS will offer free webinars on topics of key interest to those developing and applying Operational Research and Analytics methodologies and models. Speakers from each of the IFORS regions will provide our worldwide community with updates on exciting new challenges, methodologies and solution approaches that impact their region and the world.   

Regional representatives on the Administrative Council of IFORS will select speakers and host the webinar. We hope to highlight research on topics relevant to a wide audience (e.g. epidemiological and supply chain research associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, new approaches to improving health worldwide, impacts of global warming, approaches to conservation, etc.). Some webinars may highlight outstanding issues that need new solutions.  Some of these webinars may have a single speaker providing new research and/or application results while other webinars may be panel discussions. Each regional representative will organize at least one such talk per year with the goal of updating our entire community on important OR activities. 

The overall aim of this webinar series is to strengthen research activities and foster potential collaboration by encouraging the exchange of ideas and the sharing

our successes and challenges.