Application for Membership
National OR Societies wishing to apply for membership in IFORS must submit all documentation in English and satisfy the following provisions contained in the IFORS Statutes and By Laws:
(a.) A society applying for membership in the Federation shall provide the Secretary with a copy of its Constitution or Charter and its By Laws. If the following matters are not stated explicitly in them, the society shall provide the Secretary with a statement giving:
(i.) the objectives of the society;
(ii.) confirmation that membership in the society is based on such scientific and professional qualifications as it has laid down, and that membership and its privileges are in no way restricted by race, religion, colour, national origin, sex, or political preference;
(iii.) the names and addresses of the officers and the persons composing the governing body together with their tenures;
(iv.) the procedures for electing officers and members of the governing body;
(v.) the qualifications for membership, the dues, entrance fees, and any other details affecting membership; and
(vi.) provisions for meetings and publications.
(b.) A society may apply for Membership in the Federation only if no Member already exists in its country. This provision does not apply to Kindred Societies or to Kindred Society membership in various countries.
If you think your society qualifies, please submit a completed application form to, along with a copy of your By Laws or other pertinent documentation signifying consistency with the above IFORS provisions.
Each Member shall pay to the Federation an annual membership fee in an amount proportional to its qualified membership*, as defined in the Bylaws and reported to the Secretary by the Member's Representative. The current membership fee is US $1.25 per qualified member, minimum dues US $50.00.
*QUALIFIED MEMBERS: The qualified members of an operational research society are the members who pay the full normal membership fee. Student members and other categories of persons who pay less than the normal membership fee are not qualified members.