A Vote on The Russian Operational Research Society (RuORS) Membership Standing
Dear IFORS Member Society Representatives,
The Administrative Committee of IFORS has received a proposal from four Member Societies (the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research, the Danish OR Society, the Czech OR Society and the UK OR Society) to withdraw the IFORS membership of the Russian OR Society.
Therefore, in accordance with ARTICLE II(5) of the IFORS Statutes:
5. If the Administrative Committee or three Members propose that a society’s membership be withdrawn, the proposal shall be put before the Members in a six-month ballot. Formal notice of the result will be sent to all Members immediately following the close of the voting. If there is a two-thirds majority in favour of withdrawal, a date for the membership to cease will be set between six and nine months from the date of dispatch of the formal notice of this decision.
The Administrative Committee notes the following:
The Members Societies who put forward this proposal wrote that “although we cannot hold our dear Russian colleagues responsible for the actions of their government”, they “see this as a regrettable but necessary step”.
The Russian OR Society wrote that they “believe that the proposed rupture of scientific cooperation would harm the development of Operations Research and the entire research community”.
The voting deadline is set for 30th November, 2022, to allow each Member Society sufficient time for deliberation on the voting decision. As Representative of your Member Society, please cast the vote on behalf of your Society using the button below. If you need help with your login, please contact the IFORS Secretary.
This proposal is without precedent in IFORS history, and we trust that each Member Society will give this matter serious consideration.
Votes received late will not be counted. The vote for withdrawal requires a two-thirds majority, that is, when two thirds of the votes cast in time, including abstentions, are in favour.
Mary Magrogan
Secretary, IFORS