A Vote on the Statutes Revision and IORA Application

The IFORS Administrative Committee (AC) is putting two matters of governance to the member societies for a ballot:

  1. A revision of its statutes
  2. An application for membership from the Indonesian Operations Research Association

The IFORS Statutes require both matters to be approved by a two-thirds majority vote on a six-month ballot.

Please review the material associated with both items.

Your username and password are required to vote electronically.

The Secretary must receive the ballot not later than 31 March 2024.

You are encouraged to vote as soon as possible. If the necessary support is received before the deadline, the ballot can be closed early, enabling IFORS to progress its application for non-profit status in Switzerland earlier, thereby avoiding the payment of additional taxes.

The details of both matters are explained below.


Revised Statutes

The proposed changes to the statutes and the rationale for making the changes are summarised in the attached document:

A copy of the revised statutes is available here.


Application for Membership

The Administrative Committee has approved the application for membership from the Indonesian Operations Research Association (IORA). The IORA currently has 174 members. Three documents supporting this application are attached for your information: