Member Society Name: Argentine Informatics and Operations Research Society (SADIO) |
Mailing Address: Juramento 3092 14 B - 1428, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Contact Number: N/A |
URL / Website: |
President: Claudia Pons |
Vice President: Claudia Queiruga |
Secretary: Pablo Etcheverry |
Treasurer: Ricardo Pluss |
Representative: Irene Loiseau |
Profile: SADIO, Argentine Society for Informatics and Operations Research, founded in March 1960, has as its objectives as stated in Art. 2 bylaws: • Identify, consolidate and extend knowledge of science and technology of information processing and practice of quantitative methods and objectives of decision; disciplines are included as participants in the Operations Research, the Study of Systems, Informatics and Statistics. • Encourage contact between the professionals engaged in activities relating to the disciplines mentioned, as well as the free exchange of experience between them and those of other countries. • Promoting education and training in the fields of disciplines mentioned, as well as developing meetings, conferences and educational programs or research to that end. (Profile excerpt taken from the society website and translated using a language translation software.) |
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