Member Society Name: Brazilian Society of Operational Research (SOBRAPO) |
Mailing Address: SOBRAPO – Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Operacional Rua Mayrink Veiga, 32 – sala 601 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro, RJ – CEP: 20090-050 Brasil |
Contact Number: + 55 21 2263-0499 |
URL / Website: |
President: Felipe Martins Müller |
Secretary: Cristiano Torezzan |
Treasurer: Silvio Hamacher |
Representative: Horacio Hideki Yanasse |
Profile: The Brazilian Society of Operations Research (SOBRAPO) was founded in 1969, after completion in 1968, the first Symposium on Operational Research, held in the ITA, in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, by Oswaldo Fatigue Sources Torres, Alberto Ricardo Von Ellenrieder , Roberto Gomes da Costa, Ruy Vianna Braga, Alfredo Otto Brockmeyer, Mario Rosenthal, Ricardo Augusto France Rudder, Ellery Girão Sergio Barroso, Ramiro de A. Almeida Sobrinho, Joanilio Rodolpho Teixeira, lambert Carlos Mazza, Nelson Ortega da Cunha, Antonio Campos Salles Filho, Celso Pascolo Bottura, Jose Luiz Fabiani, Itiro Iida, Claus Warzharier, Sergio Grinberg, Pedro Rodrigues Neto Bueno, Sergio Viana Domingues Grystz and Israel. Since then, meeting the vast majority of professional DB in Brazil, both at universities and in businesses and in various public agencies, whether federal, state or municipal. (Profile excerpt taken from the society website and translated using a language translation software.) |
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