
Member Society Name: Chilean Operational Research Society/ Instituto Chileno de Investigacion de Operaciones (ICHIO)

Mailing Address:

Contact Number: +56.22.6181874

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President: Sebastián Maldonado

Secretary: Rosa González

Treasurer: Cecilia Montt

Representative: Sebastián Maldonado

Profile: ICHIO is the abbreviation for the Chilean Institute of Operations research. The Operations research, is a branch of consisting of Engineering the use of mathematical models, statistic and algorithms with object to make a process of decision making. Frequently, it deals with the study complex real systems, with the purpose of improving (or of optimizing) the operation of he himself. Therefore it is considered a very valuable tool in the processes of Management of Processes and Companies in general. Therefore it is associated to the concept of Management Science then his applications to him frequently are used like scientific tools in the Management and Administration of Companies. One of the main objectives of ICHIO is to be able to contribute to the diffusion and interchange of ideas and experiences between all those people interested in the area of Operations research.

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