Czech Republic
Member Society Name: Czech Society for Operational Research (CSOR) |
Mailing Address: University of Economics, Department of Econometrics, W. Churchill Sq. 4, 130 67 Praha 3 |
Contact Number: N/A |
URL / Website: |
President: Prof. Miroslav Plevny |
Secretary: Prof. Jan Fabry |
Treasurer: Dr. Martina Kuncova |
Representative: Prof. Josef Jablonsky |
Profile: Czech Society for Operational Research (CSOR) is a professional company that brings together experts from academic and business environments professionally interested in mathematical modeling and operational research. CSOR is an active member of EURO (The Association of European Operational Research Societies), and IFORS (International Federation of the Operations Research Societies). CSOR organizes regularly (every year in September) an annual international conference Mathematical Methods in Economics with more than 100 contributions. |
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