
Member Society Name: Danish Operations Research Society (DORS)

Mailing Address: Ostrigsgade 28, 3.t.vn2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark

Contact Number: +45 45 25 15 12

URL / Website:

President: Michael Lindahl


Treasurer: Simon Kristiansen

Representative: Dario Pacino

Profile: Danish Society for Operations research was founded 21 august 1962, and today has approximately. 140 individual members and nearly 20 corporate and institute members.Its purpose is to facilitate the operation of analytical research and application of analytical methods of operation in Denmark as well as to disseminate the contact with similar associations and organizations, by as much as possible to connect with other countries operation analytical researchers, organizations and associations, and to organize the participation of members in meetings, congresses, seminars and similar operation on analytical issues.

(Profile excerpt taken from the society website and translated using a language translation software.)

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