Member Society Name: Finnish Operations Research Society (FORS) |
Mailing Address: c/o Jussi Leppinen, Kylätie 18 A 7, 00320 Helsinki, Finland |
Contact Number: +358443210495 |
URL / Website: |
President: Mr. Olli Herrala |
Secretary: Mr. Jussi Leppinen |
Treasurer: Mr. Giovanni Misitano |
Representative: Mr. Olli Herrala |
Profile: About 60 people from business, public administration, and universities came together on March 15, 1973. They were all interested in Operations Research (OR). The Finnish Operations Research Society (FORS) was founded as a result of that meeting. Presently we have close to 260 members. FORS was founded to promote and advance OR in our country and to serve as a link between people interested in this field. This purpose is still valid today, over 30 years later. The main activities of the society are seminars, excursions, training courses, and conferences. We use our newsletter INFORS to inform the members of future activities. Also firms can use this channel to give information on the latest developments in our field. We also keep a mailing list through which we try to transmit the latest news concering the society. The international perspective has always been central in the activities of the society. We are a member in the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) and the Association of European Operational Research Societies within IFORS (EURO). |
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