
Member Society Name: The French Operations Research and Decision-Aid Society (ROADEF)

Mailing Address: IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France

Contact Number: +33 2 51 85 83 13

URL / Website:

President: Sandra Ulrich Ngueveu

Vice President 1: Brice Mayag

Vice President 2: Ronan Bocquillon

Secretary: Nabil Absi

Treasurer: Amélie Lambert

Representative: Olivier Peton

Profile: The ROADEF (French Society of Operations Research and Assistance for the decision) is an association of law in 1901. Its mission is to promote and encourage the development of operational research and decision support (RO / AD) in France, to spread knowledge among promote industrial and teaching in initial training and training continues.

The ROADEF is a learned society organized by the Ministry for research and new technologies. She is a member of the ASTI, of EURO and of IFORS.(Profile excerpt taken from the society website and translated using a language translation software.)

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