Member Society Name: Hungarian Operations Research Society (HORS) |
Mailing Address: University of Szeged, Árpád square 2. 6725 Szeged, Hungary |
Contact Number: N/A |
URL / Website: |
President: Boglárka G.-Tóth |
Secretary: Balázs Bánhelyi |
Treasurer: Balázs Bánhelyi |
Representative: Boglárka G.-Tóth |
Profile: The Hungarian Operational Research Society (HORS) – in Hungarian, “Magyar Operációkutatási Társaság”, was founded in 1991. In Hungary, operations research has a long lasting history, dating back to the research activity of Gyula Farkas, Dénes König, and Jenő Egerváry. Since one of the main aims of HORS, as a major scientific forum assembling about 80 members from all over the country, is developing and disseminating operations research culture, gathers educators from universities, colleges where OR figures in the curriculum.According to another important aim of the Society, namely, the harmonization of the common interests of the members, and asserting the same, several HORS members are active participants of the Operations Research Committee run besides the Mathematical Committee and the Informatics Committee at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.For providing information related to the field for the members, HORS maintains active contacts with EURO, IFORS, and in Hungary, with Economic Modeling Society, János Bolyai Mathematical Society, and John von Neumann Computer Society.In the interest of ensuring wide scientific forums for the members, conferences are organized regularly by several scientific centers. |
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