With a financial support of USD 2,000 from IFORS , the third ICORD was held in Manila in November, 1997. This was held in conjunction with the International Conference on OR/MS (ICORMS) that is traditionally sponsored by the Operations Research Society of the Philippines. Under the theme of “Operations Research in Development”, thirty-nine papers on Manufacturing / Production / Facilities Location Concepts and Techniques, Applications in IT and the Public Sector, Multi-Objective Programming and Econometrics, Statistics / Probability / Queuing, and Applications in the Service Industry were presented by foreign and Filipino experts.

One hundred and twenty participants from 16 countries attended the four-day conference, including 79 local and 41 foreign delegates. Seven plenary sessions were held over four days. In lieu of the Teacher’s Workshop that was planned to proceed in parallel with the session, Dr. Peter Bell, IFORS President, and Dr. Christoph Haehling von Lanzenauer led an interactive lecture on “Teaching OR/MS”, introducing the case approach as an effective tool in teaching the subject. Based on their long experience with the method, the two professors gave guidelines and a host of examples on selecting and building up classroom discussions of OR/MS cases.

A highlight of the conference was a panel discussion on the “The State of OR”. In line with IFORS’s efforts to advance OR theory and practice worldwide, it sought to understand issues affecting OR/MS. Representatives of ten OR Societies from developing and developed countries presented recent developments, problems, and the extent of OR use in their respective countries.

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