
Member Society Name: Analytics Society of Ireland

Mailing Address: Centre for Management Science & Systems, Quin Busines Sch Univ College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland

Contact Number: +353.1.716.4708 / +353.1.716.4708

President: Prof. Cathal Brugha

Secretary: Joseph Coughlan

Treasurer: Joseph Coughlan

Representative: Prof. Cathal Brugha

Profile: MIS teaching and research activities encompass two main areas: IS and organization; and management science and systems. Reflecting this dual focus, the Department’s research activities are organized around two separate Research Centres: the Centre for Information, Technology & Organization (CITO); and the Centre for Management Science and Systems (CMSS).CMSS’s interest areas encompass the basic quantitative disciplines such as mathematical programming, network analysis, optimization, systems theory, modeling and decision analysis.Current research focuses on Multi-Criteria Decision-Making, Decision Science, Value Chain Optimisation, and G.I.S.

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