ITOR Best Paper Awards

The IFORS Administrative Committee approved in 2020 the final terms of the annual IFORS/ITOR/Wiley Best Paper Awards for articles published in the International Transactions in Operational Research (ITOR), IFORS’ flagship journal. The awards will be given annually in two categories: (1) Methodology and applications, and (2) Surveys and tutorials. The winner in each category will receive a US$ 500 cash award prize. Winners and runner-ups in each category will receive a certificate issued by IFORS. Candidates for the awards in any given year are all papers published in an issue of ITOR in the volumes of the two preceding years. The General Editor will lead the selection process, which will be carried out by a jury formed by members of the Editorial Board, one representative of the IFORS AC and, possibly, other invited personalities. All candidate papers will be evaluated by bibliometric information (such as citations) and by their relevance, impact, and originality. The General Editor will communicate the winners and runner-ups to the Administrative Committee. The President of IFORS will make the official announcement of the annual Awards.