New Zealand

Member Society Name: Operational Research Society of New Zealand (ORSNZ)

Mailing Address: Dept of Engineering Science, University of Aukland PB 92019, Hamilton, Aukland,  New Zealand

Contact Number: +64.9.373.7599

URL / Website:

President: Dr Michael O”Sullivan

Secretary: Dr Anthony Downward

Treasurer: Dr Andreas Kempa-Liehr

Representative: Prof. Andy Philpott

Profile: The Operational Research Society of New Zealand is a nationwide not-for-profit body comprising academics and public servants, consultants and people in industry. It currently has over 150 members within New Zealand and is affiliated to APORS, IFORS and the Royal Society of NZ. The primary aim of the Society is to promote Operational Research and Management Science in New Zealand in both academic and industrial aspects.

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