
Member Society Name: Norwegian Operations Research Society (NORS)

Mailing Address: Dept of Industrial Economics and Technology Mgment, Norwegian Univ of Science & Technology, Alfred Getz vei 3, 7491 Trondheim, Norway

Contact Number: N/A

President: Gavin Bell

Secretary: Endre Bjørndal

Treasurer: Peter Schütz

Representative: Peter Schütz

Profile: The Norsk Operasjonsanalyseforening or Norwegian Operations Research Society (NORS) comprises a community of researchers based in Norway, whose discipline -Operations Research (OR)- deals with the application of advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions.

NORS exists formally since 2014 and it is the official member representing Norway in the International Federation of Operational Research (IFORS) since 2015. Although these recent facts, our community has been active since many years ago.

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