
Member Society Name: Operational Research Society of Singapore (ORSS)

Mailing Address: 20 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118230, Singapore

Contact Number: +6567727160

URL / Website:

President: LAI Kah Wah

Vice President: Dr TAN Kok Choon

Secretary: Kaiyang TOH

Treasurer: Patrick Puay Hian

Representative: Dr NG Kien Ming

Profile: The Operational Research Society of Singapore (ORSS) was registered as a professional association on 21st November, 1975. The society was formed in response to the need for such an association to promote the field of Operational Research in Singapore.

The objectives of the society are:

• to propagate the knowledge of Operational Research in Singapore.

• to promote the use of Operational Research techniques in industry, commerce and public administration.

• to foster, in the broadest sense, training and education in Operations Research.

• to promote the exchange of information and co-operation through its association with kindred societies.

• to contribute to the development of Operational Research in general.

• to promote theoretical and applied research in Operational Research.

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