
Member Society Name: Slovenian Society INFORMATIKA – Slovenian Section of Operations

Research (SSI-SSOR)

Mailing Address: Litostrojska 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Contact Number: +386.31 740424/ +386 41 353892

President: Lidija Zadnik Stirn

Secretary: Samo Drobne

Treasurer: Nina Fileš

Representative: Lidija Zadnik Stirn

Profile: Slovenian Section (Society) of Operations Research (SSOR) operates under umbrella of Slovenian Society INFORMATIKA (SSI). SSOR has been established in 1992 as a non-profit scientific organization with the aim to promote the development, dissemination and the use of OR in science and practice in Slovenia and worldwide (SSOR is active member of IFORS, EURO, IFIP and other associations connected to the field of OR). The mission of SSOR is realized through seminars, lectures, workshops and above all through organizing biannual international Symposia on OR (SOR), and publishing SOR Proceedings, Monographs on OR and papers in scientific and professional journals.

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