
Member Society Name: Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research (SEIO)

Mailing Address: Plaza de Ciencias, 3 Facultad de CC. Matemáticas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain

Contact Number: + 34 913944425

URL / Website:

President: Begoña Vitoriano

Secretary: Francisco Javier Martín Campo

Treasurer: Francisco Javier Martín Campo

Representative: Begoña Vitoriano

Profile: The SEIO was initially the Spanish Society for Operations Research and was established on February 12, 1962. Its constitution was held in the premises of the Research Institute of Statistics of the Higher Council for Scientific Research during a meeting attended by fifty-two people from different fields, all of them interested in the methods of Operations Research and the spread the theory and practice of this discipline in Spain. 

(Profile excerpt taken from the society website and translated using a language translation software.)

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