Member Society Name: The Swedish Operations Research Society (SOAF/SORA) |
Mailing Address: c/o Daniel Oskarsson, FOI (Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut), 164 90 Stockholm, SWEDEN |
Contact Number: +46 11 363405 |
URL / Website: http://www.soaf.se/ |
President: Elina Rönnberg |
Secretary: Åsa Holm |
Treasurer: Daniel Oskarsson |
Representative: Krisjanis Steins |
Profile: The Swedish Operation Research Association (SORA, or in Swedish: SOAF) was established in 1959. The aim of the association is to support the development of OR in Sweden, regarding both methods and applications. The association is a member of the International Federation of Operational Research (IFORS). |
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