IFORS is pleased to announce the travel-sponsorship of one participant to join the XXIII ELAVIO – Latin- American Summer School in Operations Research. The ELAVIOs are schools supported by ALIO (the Latin- Iberoamerican Association of Operations Research) and mainly are addressed to young researchers and postgraduate students (both at the PhD and master level) from Latin-Iberoamerican countries. However, Ph.D. students from all over the world with excellent skills and special interest in the areas of Operations Research, Informatics, and Applied Mathematics are also welcome to apply. ELAVIO XXIII will be held in 2019 in Spain from July 1st to July 5th, in Lleida located between Barcelona (160 km) and Madrid (450 km). Lleida is a Spanish city having the oldest University foundation in Catalonia and the third oldest of Spain. In addition, it is a touristic destination for skiing in the Pyrenees and visiting the Boi Valley hosting an important concentration of Romanic style churches (Humanity heritage recognition). The event will be held at the University of Lleida, in the Cappont Campus, by the river Segre crossing the city.
Registration for ELAVIO XXIII and the Opening Ceremony will take place on Sunday, June 30th at the student’s Residence located in the same Campus where participants will have accommodation. Over the following 5 days, a range of mini-courses and tutorials on advanced topics of specific interest will all be held at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Tourism. Closing Ceremony will take place on Friday afternoon. Research topics of the school include, but are not limited to
- Combinatorial optimization; linear, nonlinear and integer programming.
- Stochastic optimisation, stochastic processes and probabilistic models.
- Metaheuristics and its applications.
- Discrete, continuous and agent based simulation.
- Big data analytics and related OR methods.
- Applications of operational research to problem solving in areas such as sustainability, health care, logistics, sports, agroindustry, engineering, telecommunications, finance and production, big data, cutting and packing problems.
The official languages of the school are: English, Spanish and Portuguese. Talks and lectures will be in either of the languages (in all the cases with English slides). Candidates selected MUST be proficient in both English and Spanish or Portuguese. Chairs of the ELAVIO XXIII Organizing Committee: 1. EWG ORAFM coordinator and ELAVIO General Chair Prof. Lluís M. Plà Aragonès lmpla@matematica.udl.cat 2. ALIO President and ELAVIO Chair. Prof. Guillermo Durán, gduran@dm.uba.ar 3. SEIO President and ELAVIO Chair. Prof. Emilio Carrizosa Priego emilio.carrizosa.seio@gmail.com IFORS sponsors a fellowship for a young researcher from a developing country to attend the Summer School for Young Scholars (ELAVIO).
Requirements for applicants to the fellowship are:
- To have done work in the specific fields to be studied that year at the Institute.
- To be a PhD or Master student, or to have completed PhD no more than 2 years ago.
- To come from a developing country.
- To be able to present some of his/her work and answer questions in English.
- To be highly recommended by their advisor in their area of work.
- The chosen candidate will be required to submit a final report to IFORS regarding the impact of their participation.
Young reserachers interested in applying for travel grant must send the following documents (pdf file format) to Rosiane de Freitas (Vice-President of IFORS for ALIO, rosiane@dcc.ufam.com.br), Guillermo Durán (ALIO President, gduran@dm.uba.ar) and Lluís M. Plà Aragonès (ELAVIO General Chair, lmpla@matematica.udl.cat):
- a short curriculum vitae;
- a recommendation letter from his/her advisor;
- summary (max. 2 pages) of a work to present at the school in case of acceptance.
Important dates:
31/01/2019 deadline for applications; 28/02/2019 – publication of results; 20/03/2019 – deadline for confirming participation; 1-5/07/2019 – ELAVIO XXIII.
The accepted candidate will receive the travel grant from IFORS and the accommodation grant from ELAVIO.