SEMIT 2024

All researchers, lecturers, and students, as well as managers and experts in the field of Engineering Management and IT are highly welcomed to join the International Conference on Science, Engineering Management and Information Technology (SEMIT 2024).

Date: September 12-13, 2024
Mode: Virtual
Venue: Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Turkey
Submit: Abstract or Full Paper

Conference Committees Geographical Diversity: From more than 17 different countries, including USA, Czech Republic, France, Mexico, Poland, Australia, Portugal, Japan, Turkey, India, Saudi Arabia, etc.

Publisher of Selected Papers: Springer CCIS Book Series (Communications in Computer and Information Science series) which is indexed in Scopus, SCImago, EI-Compendex, DBLP, Google Scholar, and Mathematical Reviews.

Journals: JDG’s SI (EBSCO, Ei Compendex, Scopus, Google Scholar): Modern Operations Research, Research in Engineering Design (Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), EBSCO, EI Compendex, Google Scholar), IJSOM (Scopus), IJSM (Compendex (Elsevier), Google Scholar), IJAOS (Google Scholar, ROAD, Cite Factor), MSIT, and JOSCM.

We kindly invite you to join us as Author, Panel Chair, Workshop Organizer, etc. For more information refer to the conference website and contact to conference chair: and