IPIC 2018 and Doctoral Colloquium

June 17, 2018: Physical Internet Doctoral colloquium, Groningen, The Netherlands
June 18-22, 2018: International Physical Internet Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands

June 17, 2018: Physical Internet Doctoral Colloquium

On the 17th of June, the Sunday prior to IPIC 2018, the first edition of the IPIC Doctoral Colloquium will take place. This new platform provides an excellent opportunity for PhD students to receive in-depth feedback on their (ongoing) research (proposals) from fellow PhD students and leading academics in the field of Physical Internet.

Engaging its community of young researchers, this colloquium aims to address the question of how to position current Physical Internet research into existing literature in order to enable publications in top-tier scientific journals. The colloquium reaches out to PhD students conducting research in related fields – and with a variety of research backgrounds (i.e. social/behavioral sciences, environmental sciences, legal studies) – who are interested in getting connected to the different aspects of the Physical Internet and its community.

Call for Contributions
Students who want to attend the Physical Internet Doctoral Colloquium are invited to submit a paper or a detailed research proposal before March 1, 2018.

For more information please visit the website: https://www.pi.events/doctoral-colloquium

June 18-22, 2018: International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC 2018)

The 5th International Physical Internet Conference will take place from 18-22 June 2018 in Groningen, The Netherlands. Conference topics include interconnected logistics, PI fundamentals, business models, governance and implementation, cross-chain control, synchromodal transportation, IT systems, stakeholders and their roles. IPIC 2018 aims to provide an open forum for researchers, industry representatives, government officials and citizens to together explore, discuss, introduce leading edge concepts, methodologies, recent projects, technological advancements, start-up initiatives, for current and future Physical Internet implementation.

The University of Groningen will be organizing this large international conference on Physical Internet together with the Dutch logistics sector. They are looking forward to welcome guests from industry, academia and governmental organizations.

Call for Contributions
IPIC 2018 invites you to submit one of the following types of contributions.
• a research paper/poster on, for example, conceptual research, assessment research, case study research, modelling and validation research.
• a white paper or case study description describing an application in practice
• a report/poster describing the results of novel applications and technologies or innovative ideas and positions resulting from a project jointly performed by an academic and industry partner |

IPIC 2018 challenges you to submit a contribution in the form of a paper and/or poster presentation that includes a view on implementation, impact or directions for the Physical Internet concept in the next five years from now.

The contribution abstract submission deadline is March 15, 2018.


Conference Website: https://www.pi.events/