This new TSL dissertation prize focusses on transportation and logistics in emerging
economies and is sponsored by Commodity Repository Limited (India), CCRL. The
award is accompanied by a $500 honorarium for the winner. In addition, the winner
and the recipient of an honorable mention (if any) each receives an 8×10 plaque
announcing the award.
The following criteria will be used in judging candidate dissertations:
– Practical importance and applicability in solving transportation or logistics
problems of emerging economies.
– Nominations are welcome from colleagues affiliated with academic institutions
located in emerging economies, classified by the World Bank as lower income
or lower middle income countries, see list of countries.
To make this new prize happen this year already, the 2018 TSL dissertation prize
committee is handling the emerging economy prize in addition to the well-established
TSL dissertation prize. Both prizes are considered separately by the committee.
Eligible doctoral dissertations are those completed and submitted between June 1,
2017 and May 31, 2018 in the general area of transportation science and logistics.
Nominations can be filed either for the emerging economy prize or for the TSL
dissertation prize.
To be considered, a dissertation must be nominated by the thesis supervisor, who
should submit the following items, all electronically in Adobe PDF format with the
shown filenames:
– An electronic copy of the letter of nomination from the dissertation supervisor
supporting the submission and stating his/her assessment of why the thesis is
worthy of the award (candidate name-EENL.pdf),
– An electronic abstract of 300 words without formulas or mathematical notation
(candidate name-EESA.pdf),
– An electronic copy of the extended abstract (3-5 pages), separate from the
thesis (candidate name-EEEA.pdf), and
– An electronic copy of the dissertation (candidate name-EED.pdf)
The above documents should be submitted online using this URL. A password can
be set optionally if additional documents are to be uploaded in subsequent steps.
Once you have completed your submission, please send an e-mail to indicating the name of the candidate. The deadline for receipt of submissions is June 30, 2018.
The recommendations of the judges will be announced at the 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting during the TSL Society business meeting.
2018 Committee
Dirk C. Mattfeld
Business Information Systems Eng.
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Sandra Eksioglu
Industrial Engineering
Clemson University
Emma Frejinger
Dept. of Computer Science and Operations Research
Université de Montreal
Dimitri Papageorgiou
Corporate Strategic Research
ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company
Annandale, New Jersey
Lei Zhao
Department of Industrial Engineering
Tsinghua University