SEMIT 2022-SEP: A Kind Invitation for Organizing a Panel

It is our great pleasure to invite you to join the International Conference on Science, Engineering Management and Information Technology as Panel Chair.

Conference Date: September 8-9, 2022
Holding Method: Virtual – ZOOM platform
Conference website:

You can see a short video about the previous SEMIT held on 2-3 Feb. 2022, here:

In order to establish your panel, please send your intended panel title in addition to your photo and your updated affiliation.

Each panel includes minimum 5 papers with related topics and there is no limitation for more papers. The regular submitted papers can also be joint to the panel, but usually the papers of each panel are invited by the panel chair. We will design a special poster for your panel so that you can better introduce your panel.

The Panel Chair has the opportunity to publish one paper free of charge and the second paper onwards include a 50% discount; as well as to receive a certificate as a panel chair.